
Email Marketing Needs to Reflect Your Corporate Design


Your email marketing strategy as a whole must be an integrate part of the overall marketing strategy. Similarly, the design (and the content) of your newsletter or email marketing campaign should reflect your corporate design.
This ensures that recipients can make a connection between the emails the get and the sender's other ventures (even if it's only a Web site). The company image and the image created by the email marketing efforts can interact and maybe strengthen each other.
If the email marketing does not reflect the corporate design, this can have a bad effect not only on the success of the email campaign, but also on the image of the company as a whole.


Email for Marketing

Using email for marketing provides a low cost option to complement or replace direct mail. To achieve successful campaigns, there are many issues which need to be taken into account, including deliverability (getting your emails past the spam filters); renderability (making sure your email looks good regardless of the email reader your customers are using); responsiveness (using a design that showcases your brand values and with clear calls-to-action) and ‘right touching’ – getting the right frequency and relevance.